obviously your shrooms were working well. share, at least. i agree with this completely and subconsciously Im pretty sure people think this way. Also, if this was latisha from the ghetto in the same type murder, I dont think we'd hear about it quite as much, eh?
Just saw this story, thought it was interesting, even though I'm not into psychics and what-not. Of course, the drawing also resembles about 75% of all aliens reportedly sighted too, but whatever, it's a slow day.
There will be no shortage of news on this for you to watch. Greta Van Susteren, Nancy Grace, etc. will be all over this
Yeah, that is what I am gonna wait for, they did take dna from JonBenet so I am just gonna wait and see
i care nothing about this case except for it helps prove my postulate that if you are too incompetent of a parent to give your child a normal name, you are heading straight for trouble.
of course it does. normal people dont name their child jonbenet. they name their child sarah or beth or anne. with a name like jonbenet, you end up in creepy beauty pageants and such. then you end up in some weird mystery involving a skinny freak in your basement. it is like that kid that was in the news recently who had been convinced by hi sparents to refuse medical treatment for cancer. his name was "starchild abraham cherrix". thats all you need to know. any time a parent tries to get fancy and make a stupid little statement with their child's name, you know that the parents are lunatics and the kid is in big trouble. a child's name is not the place to try and express yourself. if you think it is, you are a bad parent.