The police rarely prevent a crime, unless they happen to be in the vicinity when one is about to be committed and their presence deters the perp. Their main function is to investigate crime after it happens and hopefully catch the bad guy. That's not a criticism of the police, just a simple truth.
Let’s see, Sharon was murdered in 1969 so that’s a reason to fear it could happen to you. What a joke. Gun crimes are on a downward trend and have been for years. When was the last time some crackheads invaded a home in your neighborhood? As I said strawman
I live in a good neighborhood. Pretty safe. Men and even women walk and jog and walk their dogs alone even at night. Three years ago they found 2 dead black prostitutes from Texas dead in a car less than a block from my house. I don't know whether they were shot there or killed elsewhere and my street looked like a good place to leave them. Bad shit can happen anywhere. Sleep tight and don't let the crackheads bite.