today a mass shooter was shot dead by a good guy with a gun in a mall in indianapolis. this will be ignored to the extent possible by the media for not feeding the gun control narrative.
Another active shooter killed by cops in Minneapolis. This time it was a black guy with a mental health issue. Libs are salivating. Fuck the woman and her two kids who he literally fired shots at, its the cops who are evil.
I understand there are Go Fund me accounts for both the dead guy and the woman he was trying to kill. As of yesterday, the perpetrators Go Fund me is five times the amount of the victim. Also, They always trot out a mental health issue, true or not. IMHOP at that point it is irrelevent. The police have to stop the threat. Watch this:
They are furious with the police for rushing in to kill this active shooter. They are furious with the police for not rushing in to kill the Uvalde active shooter. No matter what, they are furious with the police.
If that video doesn't make your blood boil, nothing will. I can't believe the victim lost her job. For what reason?
it turns out the guy who who shot the shooter took him out within 15 seconds. "15 seconds after the shooting began, Elisjsha Dicken, a legally armed 22-year-old man from Seymour, engaged in a gunfight with the shooter. From a distance of forty yards, Dicken fired at the gunman ten times with a Glock handgun, hitting the shooter eight times. The shooter fired once and attempted to retreat into the restroom, but instead fell to the ground and died soon afterwards."