I hate to differ with you guys .... but ADTs are NOT overprescribed in kids. ADHD meds may be, but even here, the problem isn't the prescribing, it's the fricken culture our Political/Media complex has created. It is DEVASTATING on kids. MOST kids are abused these days. They don't get the love and support that us old guys got. To boot, most come from broken homes. It was nothing for me to run down to the creek, and walk it for miles with my buddies, catching crawdads and bream. ... and frogs and tadpoles, ... and gauking at the pile of playboy magazines we found! Now days, kids can't even go out the front door, mostly because their Mommas won't let them. And another thing .. the "soup de jour" of today is to book a kid with so many fricken lessons for this and that, that they don't even have time to be kids anymore. Look at sports!! When I grew up ... football was fall, basketball was winter, baseball was spring. NOW DAYS ... a kid that wants to play baseball or softball has to play fricken year round on some ridiculously expensive travel team, take private lessons, etc etc etc. What happened to be a fricken KID! Our society has brought up a bunch of selfish adults. They put their kids on meds because they dont' want to mess with them. They stick their kids in front of videogames because they don't want to mess with them. They feed them fast food, because they don't want to mess with them .. and GOD FORBID anybody sits down for a "family meal" these days. I may be old fashion, but I"m an advocate for Stay At Home MOMS and a dad that goes out brings home the bacon and provides the security a kid needs to grow in confidence.
Suspected Intruders Fatally Shot During Conn. Home Invasion Were Teens: Police https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news...ere-teens-police/2809124/#l4jwp0t6b6wcuv1kq8n Question; Why did they have to mention they were teens?
Nothing conspiratorial here. If I'm the reporter covering this story, I'm trying to find out info on the perps. The headline is a bit sensationalistic, but I don't see it as pushing an agenda.
2A argument is very very simple. It was written for the people not da gub ment. End of story come and get em