No idea what you are talking about but I know this for certain, if you are for it, then it is one of the dumbest ideas ever discussed and I'm against it.
Bottom line. No government federal, state or local will infringe my right to defend my family, myself and my country with my guns. Was Ramos law abiding? Was Ramos a good citizen? Did he follow the local, state and federal Gun laws? No he did not. How was he stopped from killing more children? He was stopped by a law abiding citizen with a gun. Will criminals stop killing with guns because their is a ban? No instead they will have an easier time. So you anti 2nd Amendment clowns here can turn in your guns get on your knees and give up. I will die standing an fighting taking out any mofo that tries to harm me or my family. I will also volunteer to be an armed guard at any school that wants me. I will be dammed if I will told to disarm by elite vile fucking DEMOCRATS, Hollywood, MSM and globalist who are protected by guns. I will not be told by one in particular here that a common citizen is useless against a Ramos. A mother while handcuffed charged into the school in Uvalde unarmed and brought her 2 kids out while the police watched. That person saying "don't even try to defend yourself and your kids" can kiss my ass. If I was there it would have been him or me, I know that. The deplorables I know would have also engaged. Some here I know would not. Take your gun grabbing opinions and jam it.
16 cities in America set homicide records last year. They all have one thing in common, all run by DEMOCRATS. Cities are becoming war zones. DEMOCRATS want to defund the police. That vile demented depraved pedophile excuse for a president the day after Uvalde even further crippled the police by executive order. Once again with all this going on the DEMOCRATS want to disarm everyone but themselves of course. You see they are special they are better than us we work for them they deserve protection by semi automatic weapons but not us.
Beings Lefty seems a bit more inflated than Pancho (i get it, it could totally be the way she has them tied up) but for that reason I'm going with the pistols
IT'S SIMPLE. You "well regulated Militia" clowns can jam it up your well used butts. THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE means us. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed "THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE" "THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE" "THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE"
i used to disagree about whether the people can really defend themselves against a hostile govt. like what are you and i gonna do when a tank rolls up? but i changed my mind. because urban house to house combat is a fucking massacre for invading forces when everybody is armed. like for example if every male in ukraine had an AR and would snipe a russian invader or 2, that would make a difference. i mean a really big difference. and the skeptic might say, when are we gonna get invaded, who is gonna take our rights away? well, the answer is nobody, provided we all keep and bear arms. and just because we have lived in a long period of obscene wealth and peace doesnt mean we will forever. from our cold dead hands!