It takes 2/3 vote in each house of Congress and 3/4 of the states. I think the 2nd is pretty safe. They can try to constrain gun ownership but this is where the SCOTUS comes in. I think your worries are overwrought.
Repealing the 2nd is not a worry of mine ... it's the regulations .. and they are very real one's. They can stack the court and regulate Gun Ownership out of existence without repealing the 2nd Amendment. They can eliminate hand gun ownership, they can put major restrictions on purchases, they can require registrations for everything, ban gun shows, they can put a drastic tax on gun ownership, as well as purchases .... simply put, they can regulate gun ownership out of existence and never touch your "right" to own a gun.
True. That’s why I mentioned the SCOTUS. They have limited regulations and laws limiting guns and sales. The 6-3 conservative majority will make it hard to keep them on the books.
Not only that it will take time, cause problems and likely cost them Congress. Stacking the court is a loser for the democrats.
it'll take a while before a couple of supreme judges die off and the supreme court begins to start shifting left, then another 20 years or so before the remaining conservatives die off,.. I may have overshot the year, 2045 might be a better guess