Better are arm yourself and organize. If Biden gets elected or even if Trump is re elected lawless mobs will try to take your stuff and dominate you. May never happen but as much as I hate to say it's now very possible. FUCK DEMOCRATS!
This article is complete crap, fake news at its finest. They black militia was harassing/intimidating a white motorist trying to get thru. There was not remotely close to a 1000 black militia, maybe 150 if you count all the relatives of the black militia member doing social media work. Complete freaking idiots... the “general”, more like he “rides with the general” was carrying two ARs together... best he had going was muzzle discipline. “Riding with the General” was smart not to cover anyone with his muzzle or he might have been shot. I can’t wait for these idiots to shoot themselves.
I saw an interview with him where he said they want land and that "they'll take Texas" They wouldn't make it across the 1st deer lease they get to