I don’t know. Do you have a tank or cannon or hand grenades? If your right to bear arms was unlimited you could own and use all of them.
No the point is the right to bear arms is limited. If it was unlimited you could own any weapon you could afford. BTW it’s not politicians whose powers the constitution and bill of rights is made to limit but the government. Politicians are individuals.....equally limited.
You are extra dense. The politicians are the ones writing the bills and trying to take away the rights. Aka they are the government. Your “limited” arguement is a moot point.
Couldn't agree more he doesn't see the danger of left wing or any politicians ability to take away citizens freedoms. Not talking just guns but even to what car you can drive, what temperature you can set your thermostat at and even if you can light your grill in your own back yard among just a few. All of these things are being pushed by the left.
Are you saying that you’re not capable of winning an argument with the left and can only wait in your hole till they come for you? If you truly believe in your position go out and argue and persuade others of your righteousness. Don’t just smear people who agree with many of your positions just because they’re not in lock step. Listen to others find cracks in their arguments and convince them with facts and conviction. All you do is call people names and fear monger. I haven’t seen you win over anyone with that approach.
When the fuck has anyone ever been won over? People our age don’t change. No. We aren’t changing the lefts mind and I will die before I give up my rights freely. I hope you arent that gulllable. I will not move an inch freely. Maybe you don’t believe me, but there are millions upon millions like me. I will not be violated for my rights but I also don’t give a shit if you want to marry a tree. Just don’t tread on me.
You wonder why I say what I do. It’s because I’ve read history. Do you know John Adams and Tom Jefferson were political enemies and didn’t speak for 25 year? They had radically different visions of our country’s future. Yet they worked together long enough to lay a foundation that has made us great. John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson likewise battled their whole political lives. There are examples to cite for every period in our county’s history. The critical fact is that in spite of their differences they all believed that by debating in the political battle they would find a path forward and the sacredness of our social contract. The only time it failed is when the south lost that faith and rebelled. That ended well didn’t it? The point is that as Benjamin Franklin said “We either all hang together or all hang separately .” If you or those on the left draw a line in the sand and don’t move that inch the past 239 years are all for naught.
OK, so who makes the first concession? Those of us who would fight to the death to preserve our right to bear arms or the liberal wackos who are squawking like a bunch of chickens? I give up my right to own a weapon that looks military because its scary to them while they gloat and plan the next assault on our rights.
Excellent question and point my friend. I don’t think you should have to start with concessions....but all should begin talking with and not past each other. I tend to agree with you that so called progressives have dangerous intentions. However the vast majority of the country is in the middle. Look at the last elections where many went from voting for Obama to voting for Trump. Those are the people I’m talking about. Trump is playing to a very narrow audience and has alienated 60-70% of the country. Blind support of him is self defeating and actually empowers those you so rightly oppose. I don’t know exactly what to do but I believe the acrimony and lack of willingness to talk and move is self defeating.