Good question but those are the statistics. Political efforts by leftists to whom Facts don’t matter.
Because most liberal arguments are emotionally based. AR-15's look scary. Mine is locked away with a trigger lock and a 3rd lock for the ammo and clips. why? Because its only used for sport. I have a variety of other home defense that is better suited. I might be extreme in this regard, but I think mot gun owners didnt buy an AR for home defense unless you live in flint or New Orleans.
OK if all guns are magically gotten rid of what will criminals do? Stop being criminals? I think not. So lets say a nice family with 2 beautiful kids of any race in any neighborhood are awakened at 3am as 3 big bad druged up thugs break in with baseball bats to rob, rape and kill. How does this family defend themselves? Harsh language? Sticking their tongues out at them? Tell them to take a time out while we wait for the police to come? Who by the way also have no guns only bats. Until people are majically transformed and cannot ever hurt, rob or kill anyone than all honest law abiding citizens must and should have guns. In my view any type of gun. Honest people should be able to possess guns that have more or at least equal fire power as a criminal may have. Anyone who advocates denying honest law abiding citizens the access to guns is an enemy of the people. After hearing a former Supreme Court justice, John Paul Stevens, actually state that the 2nd amendment should be abolished how does anyone still remain a democrat? Folks a Supreme Court justice actually said we should abolish the 2nd amendment. Aren't they there to protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights?
I am for much stricter control of firearms. The ideal solution is that to purchase a centerfire weapon, with ability to use magazines (NOT CLIPS) containing over some number, say 5 of rounds, one needs to jump through the same hoops as one needs to for purchasing a machine gun. The infrastructure in place, just expand the need. Simple. Having said that. Stevens' remarks VALIDATE ALL OF THE ANTI-GUN CONTROL WARNINGS AND HYSTERIA. I have read multiple op-ed pieces stating Stevens is an idiot, and these are from pro gun control people. Stevens has handed the NRA the silver bullet, one that can be trotted out, until the end of time. Most if not all gun control advocates know this. Between Stevens and that obnoxious little maggot, David Hogg, I expect they anti-gun forces have suffered a critical wound, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Like your reply with the exception of citizens having to "jump through hoops" to get something that fires 5 rounds. Only ones who need to "jump through hoops" are criminals and the mentally disturbed. Why should honest law abiding citizens have to "jump through hoops" if he wants something that a criminal will break the law to get? You are penalizing law abiders instead of law breakers. Also as I have stated here before 99% of the assholes who favor gun control either have extensive police or undercover protection or can afford personal body guards. Lastly that little maggot didnt complain a whole lot about the people with guns protecting his sorry ass at his soory ass march.