isn't there a difference between internet action by hundreds of persons and state legislative action?
The Republicans keep shooting themselves in the leg with this religious social agenda of theirs, from immigration, to gay rights, to religious intolerance, to anti-abortion politics. The millennials are about 80% in favor of gay rights. The GOP keeps aligning itself with declining demographics. Fewer people with religious hangups, fewer people that accept intolerance, fewer white Anglo-saxon protestants, and fewer males.
Nevertheless, the thing that makes your example of 60's sit-ins and the current situation different is that the former ended in an assault. I don't see where anyone is making the case that anyone should be able to beat up a gay couple who just wants to pay for a service. They're arguing for the person's right to choose with whom they will or won't do business.
Go eat at Pocorello's in BTR, but you have to pay with cash, and he reserves the right to whom he wants to serve. No checks or credit cards. Got to love the Muffs, and they do a good job with the Stuffed Artichokes. To make it easy, has a ATM in the place.
They do a great job on most everything. When in town, I'm there most Fridays with the Round Table guys, solving the worlds problems. Or trying to create new ones.
From one extreme to another. If you generally disagree with something, be prepared to get ass raped by the state. I firmly believe this is way overboard. Examples of symptoms include “acute loss of confidence,” “doubt,” “excessive sleep,” “felt mentally raped, dirty and shameful,” “high blood pressure,” “impaired digestion,” “loss of appetite,” “migraine headaches,” “pale and sick at home after work,” “resumption of smoking habit,” “shock” “stunned,” “surprise,” “uncertainty,” “weight gain” and “worry.” Mentally raped. Mentally raped. Loss of words lol.
Did someone say intolerance? "Last night, Hillary told the Women in the World Summit: “Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care (abortion) and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice — not just on paper,” Clinton said. “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will,” she explained. “And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed. As I have said and as I believe, the advancement of the full participation of women and girls in every aspect of their societies is the great unfinished business of the 21st century and not just for women but for everyone — and not just in far away countries but right here in the United States." So, since she doesn't agree, they must be changed, not tolerated. Got it. Of course she looked down on those who stayed home to baked cookies.