Red, White and Cinco de Mayo

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by SabanFan, May 6, 2010.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    no thanks i already feel awesome.

    i will buy that, but only barely. i would really consider those names mestizo or hybrid mestizo/spanish.

    fine, but i also point out that the names in question are not spanish or mexican but portugese and italian.

    also i always notice that people call every latino "mexican", when so many are dominican or colombian and whatever and are no more mexican than i am. so i think it wouldnt hurt us to be more precise. like i think i would be irritated if i went to germany and every idiot there kept saying i was canadian.

    and the kid in question has a portugese name, and is not mexican.

    the canadians had the good sense to get rid of you frenchies.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Dude, we understand what happened. We disagree with a blatant act of discrimination by the school. Honoring an ethnic holiday in no way prevents citizens from honoring their own country.
  3. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    OK. That's it. Now I want reparations. You have no idea what it's like to have read about ancestors who were banished from their lands.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    i understand, it is because the mexicans are stupid. mostly because they are from inferior native genetic stock.

    they would be smarter if they had more colonial spanish and less native blood in them. then they would be geniuses like former met first baseman keith hernandez.
  5. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    i will work on that after i get my money from red for the viking pillaging of my northern english ancestors. lets not talk about this i cry when i think of the oppression.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    No, I think people understand what Hispanic means and that it covers people from all over. But CInco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday, not a Guatemalan or Cuban or Puerto Rican holiday. It is reasonable to assume that those Hispanics celebrating Cinco de Mayo are Mexican/Americans and Mexicans. Nobody waves Cuban flags.

    It is unfortunate, and a constant complication leading to much misunderstanding, that in the border states many people colloquially refer to Mexican Americans as Mexicans. But their own emphasis on their Mexican heritage including support of Mexican nationals here illegally and clinging to Spanish contributes to many Anglos failing to distinguish between the two, at least in common expressions.
  7. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    dont agree with what? a lot of stuff happened. the only thing here i dont agree with is the vp telling the kids they cant wear the shirts (but several still did--so real bfd). and even then i recognize the vp's situation. if there had been a big fight were students got hurt his job would be rightly on the line.

    i dont think in politically incorrect, its confrontational and incindiary. a decent argument can be made that this isnt appropriate for school. the normal freedom of speech doesnt apply.

    how do you come to the conclusion that im PC when i didnt make a judgment?

    from the previous posts, many disagree with more than the school.
  8. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley


    race card alert.

    one of the boys is half mexican. "whites" has nothing to do with it. american has EVERYTHING to do with it. see krypto's quote above.

    considering they were in the good old u.s. of a, no. last time i looked, the borders have not been redrawn.
  9. Swerved

    Swerved It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    I understand what happened. Some kids wore American flags on their shirts, IN AMERICA, on Cinco De Mayo, and some Hispanic kids got pissed off about it and started whining.

    I understand why Mexicans are proud of Cinco De Mayo, though outside of Puebla it's not that celebrated in Mexico. But hey, it makes a hell of a reason to have a PC argument. I wonder if those kids even know what the story is with Cinco De Mayo, and how much of a part the US had in that. Probably not, is my guess.

    I understand they're pissed about the American clothing; it's their right. Just like it's the other kids right to wear the American flag clothing. Who's rights trump who's?

    I understand that the principal, rather than dealing with fighting kids by punishing the little twerps when they fight, would rather just tell one set of those kids to bow to the other kids' demands. That's BS.. That doesn't teach anyone anything about working problems out. What it does is teach one set of kids that anytime they get pissed off they can whine about it and someone will make it better for them.

    People have to learn to get along on their own, regardless of their differences of opinions, nationalities, religions, etc. If you make one group kowtow to the other, then nothing is getting solved. You're just keeping them separated and harboring more ill will between the groups.
  10. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    ok, whatever, but how does that address anything? do you understand how the mx-american students could be upset at other students wearing american flag shirts on cinco de mayo?

    that strict stance can get a lot of kids hurt.

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