Red or Blue

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by GiantDuckFan, Aug 25, 2017.


Politically, generally speaking,.. what do you see yourself as

  1. extreme left

    0 vote(s)
  2. left

    0 vote(s)
  3. moderate left

  4. moderate

  5. moderate right

  6. right

  7. extreme right

  8. other

  1. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    What's wrong with protecting trees? i mean you are aware protecting trees is called conservation right?
  2. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Nobody hates trees. Except for Harvey Updyke. Tree hugger is just a derogatory term for those that go overboard with it.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2017
  3. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    With the information explosion and 24 hour news cycle, it's pretty hard for most people to choose a single label to cover everything. Every, or most every, issue is separate, and must be evaluated as such.

    If you listed 50 issues, and weighted them by importance I bet I would be "moderate" but not moderate on any single issue! Life is just not that simple.

    Hell, on Confederate Monuments alone, I have multi-views/feelings.
    StaceyO and GiantDuckFan like this.
  4. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    With you on all

    Last paragraph

    • Yes no bigotry but how about no bigotry against all people including white people and Christians. "White Privilege" is bigotry and discrimination and the open attack and toward Christians is also bigotry and discrimination.
    • Dont agree with your death penalty stance, your view on tax cuts for the rich and your view on outraged white people (what the hell does that mean?).
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
    GiantDuckFan likes this.
  5. GiantDuckFan

    GiantDuckFan be excellent to each other Staff Member

    Jun 26, 2011
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    Note: I accidentally deleted this post

    I favor,.. alternative energy, changing our health care system, the legitimacy of science, protecting the open right to legally immigrate, the right to peaceably demonstrate and burn our flag in protest, the right to bear arms, heavy prosecution of companies for using illegal immigrants, allowing teachers to carry guns on campus, gay marriage for monetary rights, strict registration of immigrants, increased public school funding, a free and aggressive press, protection for whistle blowers, a strong military.

    I don't care about,.. acknowledging the rights of gay or trans, offensive statues, public support for music and art, being politically correct

    I'm against,.. any form of generalized bigotry against races and religions, the death penalty, euthanasia, abortion, allowing college students to carry guns on campus, almost all forms of gun control, tax cuts for the rich, unregulated immigration, the military industrial complex, congressional term limits, politicization of sports, hypersensitivity of minorities, outraged white people, just about any form of extremism other than sports,.. Go Ducks
    Winston1 likes this.
  6. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    We dont seem to be that far apart politically except your team sucks mine doesn't, just couldn't resist jabbin ya.
    GiantDuckFan likes this.
  7. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Amazing that I actually agree with you on most of it.

    Development of alternative energy sources is important but windmills and growing lots of corn for ethanol is a waste of time and money. We need to find ways to better harness the power of the sun, to utilize hydrogen as a fuel source and research into battery technology advancement. We should be able to build batteries the size of regular car batteries that would power a car for a week or longer between changes.

    While flag burning sadly should remain legal it should also be legal to give the flag burners a good ass whipping that stops short of serious injury or death.

    I am for the death penalty simply because some scumbags deserve it for the heinousness of the crimes they have committed. I would allow persons with a concealed carry license to carry firearms on campus. How many lives would have been spared at Virginia Tech if a student had been able to shoot Cho before the body count got as high as it did.

    Gay marriage is the law now and I can't see it being reversed but it's still unnatural and unholy. If a gay person wants to leave his money to another gay person he could put it in his will.

    And of course I'm against all forms of political correctness.
  8. el005639

    el005639 Founding Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    I made this point to you several weeks ago and you ridiculed me...
    GiantDuckFan likes this.
  9. HoopHound

    HoopHound Veteran Member

    Aug 21, 2017
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    They understand the why and how.
    The people who whine about hunting are ignorant.
    A million years ago when people were slapping ecology flags up everywhere a friend of mine pointed to one on a car and said "the irony...'.
  10. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    So close. I'm right there with you except i believe transgender and gay people's rights should be protected and they should be able to use the restroom of their gender identity. I also don't believe any corporations should be allowed to discriminate against LGBT people citing religious beliefs. That's a bunch of bullshit. Get over yourselves. The Bible isn't a book that should ever be taken literally just like the Qu'ran isn't nor the Mormon book, dum dum dum dum.

    I also believe pot should be legalized and anyone caught with any other drug without intent to distribute should be fined and their dope confiscated. Every time after that the fine gets higher. No more civil forfeiture, no more jail for these folks unless they violate someone else's rights or commit a violent crime. I also think that treatment should be made available for addicts that is funded by pharmaceutical companies and 20 percent of all campaign contributions.

    Im for term limits for all elected officials, and I also believe that federal elected officials should not get a pension and they should stay in a giant dorm facility that is also paid for through a percentage of campaign contributions.

    There should also be a law that says if you work for a major corporation in a certain field you should not be allowed to get a position within the government that has anything to do with that field you worked in. For example. If you're CEO of Goldman, you don't get to be treasurer. If you are work for Exxon, you shouldn't be allowed to then lead the EPA. If you didn't even know the job you are being offered exists, you shouldn't be allowed to work in it. I'm talking to you Rick Perry. If you lobby against public schools and donate money to destroy them, you shouldn't be the education secretary. And we have to get rid of lobbyists period. They have done far more harm than good. Also any unions that are found to be culpable in unethical and illegal activities, they will be disbanded.

    I could go on and on.

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