Their public relations campain handled it expertly. Think about it. They lost at home. Yes at home. They were favored and still lost AT HOME on national tv. Then all of the saban blowers, bama lovers and media idiots that got their predictions smeared in their face went to work. " the best team lost", " miles got lucky", " it was our kicker's fault", " the refs made a bad call", " the ball hit the wire", " we would win in a rematch"," we're still the best team", " we have the best coach", my cat had puppies, the sky is blue , ya da ya da boo hoo hooo. They cried like little spoiled bitches. The media fags like Robert suck off saban smith had egg on their face. They started the damage control. Now these worms are in thechampionship game by default. No sec championship. Lost to the #1 team. It does not matter. The click was in. The fix is on. The littlebitches still get to play in the big game because all the media types that were wrong have to save face. And the gumps wonder why the rest of the country hates them. They wonder why polls of the fans around the country pick for them to lose. They are the Texas and USC of the south. Entitled crybabies. They are the face of everything wrong in college football and how the bcs works, or doesn't work actually. Bama has the best public relations dept in the world. Obama should go to bama to learn how to be a loser and still win. They are the reason why the rest of the country looks upon the sec with disgust. A punk ass team that lost at home and didn't win their divison will probably play for a championship while a one loss divison champion sits at home and watches the rematch of a game they already lost.
With fans like Stu ... [ame=]Stu eats 30000 calories today! Starts diet tommorrow? - YouTube[/ame]
Pretty much everything he said was true. Take off your crimson glasses and tell me what he just said isn't true.
Before the game the Tide was sooooooooooo confident ... They were posting tripe like TOP 5 EXCUSES LSU HAS AFTER THEY LOSE TO ALABAMA They don't see the freight train coming in part 2 ... Thunderdome
It was nothing more than an obnoxious, hate filled, diatribe, and you see it as "the truth". That's sad.
This entire post ignores the fact that LSU would still most likely have to play Bama even if we had a playoff system.
Before you run along and brighten up someone else's day, know that our coach said he "be honored" to play Alabama again:grin:
I too believe there will be a rematch. As a fan, I look forward to the opportunity to put all the "Alabama is the better team" bs to bed finally.