I know you guys are hurting. Continue, you are showing your ignorance. In college, if you make a point without the backing of fact, it's an automatic F. So, you probably struggled in school, I guess. If you didn't I guess you knew somebody in administration.
Yeah, what some anonymous goob on an internet board thinks of me really causes me great pain. Not. Well, we ain't being graded here, now are we? (I suppose I'd get gigged on my grammar as well, but the ain't was intentional to emphasize a point). :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: College is not the real world, Ace. Once you get out of it and have to earn a living, you'll discover that. BTW, good luck finding a job w/ that attitude. I can tell you right now that the angry young black man bit isn't going to cut any ice w/ prospective employers or co-workers.
You call it ignorance...I call it seeing it the way it is. It's all a matter of perspective. If you grow up and lose the chip on your shoulder, you may understand that one day.
Exactly, your way or the highway. That's arrogance and ignorance. Of course you can't see this. You're blinded by your faults.
:hihi: :lol: :hihi: :lol: See? This is why I find you so humorous. You display the same traits that you condemn others for, yet you're so full of your self-importance, you can't see it. The operative word here is HYPOCRITE. Get your last meager little digs in, so you can keep that ego inflated...I'm through with you. You grow tiresome, and my amusement is fading.
Please tell me your not the result of an LSU education!! My hope is your just a football fan. I'm going to type this real slow, because I know you can't read and comprehend very fast. Fact, I expressed an opinion, I tried to use ratio's "10-100" to illustrate how wide I perceived the descrimination gap to be. (Did you get that, cause I can't type any slower if I tried.) Fact, I tried to discuss my opinion with you as an adult, but since they don't hand out Govt. studies on my opinions at the same rate as they hand out Govt. cheese, I am forced to have to wait for your intelligence gap to catch up with the Govt. cheese distribution, so that we may continue our discussion when you are better mentally prepared!! I wish I had some lovely parting gifts for you, but in reality, you didn't win a damn thing, but I do believe you have lost the respect of at least one poster.
Two Things, Lottery, you make good points but you don’t have to go tit for tat with these guys, you won’t win and it doesn’t matter anyway. Rickyd, your numbers are BS. How many times have you been to “black” club? I don’t get out that much anymore but all the numerous times I went out to black clubs or parties only once do I recall seeing a white person verbally or physically abused to the point they were unwelcome. And that person started it. The majority of times I have been out to “white” bars in Baton Rouge I have not been hassled and I have gone out and had a good time. But more than a handful of times myself and/or my friends have been told things that were very racist in nature. Numerous times I have overhead people using the N-word or referring to use as those people and things of this sort. I used to go out fairly often with a group of friends whom included a few very attractive white females. If we would all go out dancing they would tell me later about some of the comments people asked them referring to the black people, and more specifically the black guys in the group. Some were humorous, quite a number were ignorant, and quite a few more were extremely racist statements. Only 2 times have I had someone say something to my face but this maybe partially due the fact I’m not a small guy, so most people won’t mess with me to my face. Thankfully, I don’t get offended by every idiot who says something stupid. Neither should you rickyd. In fact I think it would be good for you to go out to some bars in Scotlandville. You would make new friends and learn to appreciate different environments. Maybe if more black and white people actually spent time together we wouldn’t have stupid debates like this.
agreed, freddy. I actually ended up in such an establishment I believe it was across from Cortana Mall.... why we ended up there is a long story and it was packed. We were the only white ppl in the place and we were supposed to leave once we checked something out yet ended up staying and had a great time. Never had a single incident though got many stares from the guys mainly....especially cause the females often wanted to talk. Of course we were a bit apprehensive before entering but all was good.