It would not surprise me. I definitely tend to System 2 thinking except in matters where my confidence level is sky high. That's when I allow myself some instinctive reactions, impulsiveness, and sentiment.
Quiet by Susan Cain- a book about introverts and people in history that were introverts. God Will Use this for Good-Max Lucado-Christian book, short read, very inspiring. Live to Make a Difference-Max Lucado
I can agree with that on one level. However, consider....generally speaking men are easily sated with food, sex, and the remote. Definitely System 1. Women, generally speaking, are complicated, confusing, and can't seem to pinpoint what, exactly, they need. Definitely Sysytem 2.
Don't start going System 2 on me now. I imagine it changes with age and availability. Take what you can get until you can get what you can take.
I'm not into System 1 & 2. As the forum senior citizen I try to embrace and adhere to the KISS principle. I can confirm that "it" changes with age and availability.
Hmm. Sounds like a logical plan, no hurry. Get me a beer too, will ya' darlin'. Sounds emotional and impulsive to me.
i have this one too and its up next. crazy interesting stuff out there. i have been known to read 10 books at a time and finish none though.