i dont think "respect" has been mentioned. pretty funny that otis wrote what became one of the feminists anthems. im not sure ive ever heard his version though. i doubt all those 'sock it to me's are there. although i wouldnt be surprised if a man wrote "i will survive". a man writing "i am woman" is probably too much
Word is, after he heard Aretha sing it for the first time he replied with "That woman just stole my song"
Driving down Industriplex today, I saw AWC properly flying their flag below the US flag. Then I wondered how long it would be before some politically correct retard came along and complained because they were offended by having to represent the US before their own cause. This of course led my mind to ponder exactly how pissed off it would make me. I get home and after a quick Google search I find this: Business raises Mexican flag above U.S. flag - Channel 4 KRNV.com: Local News and Weather for Reno-Tahoe Region: If political correctness were an animate object I would stab it in the eye with a fork and blow its knees out with my 12 gauge. I realize the article is from '07 but it disgusts me regardless.
You've just got to love the ACLU! however, and I've found this on multiple sights, this one coming from USflag.org: The ACLU is an embarassment to America.
so all those foreign flag bumper stickers are illegal? i think youre making a mountain out of a molehill
Respectfully disagree. This country's purpose was not and is not to make everyone else in this world feel comfortable. If you want to live here, you play by our rules, you speak our language, etc...If you don't care enough about the freedom you are granted by coming here to show the flag proper respect than I believe you can GTFO.
It's not really uncomfortable...it's more like irritated. Am I wrong to take offense to that? I don't understand. If the guy wants to open a business and fly a Mexican flag then he can move back to Mexico and do it. If his business sucks in Mexico and he has to move to America to make it work, he needs to play by our rules out of respect for the opportunity he has been given. It's not like he isn't allowed to fly his flag at all. If I plan a trip to say, Japan, I'm not going to be so arrogant that I expect everyone in Japan to speak in English to me and to allow me to ignore their customs when I get there. I'm going to at least try to learn basic phrases and behaviors that I need to get around there. I respect their culture enough to learn at least a little bit about it before visiting. If I planned to move there you better believe I'm learning how to act and speak before I go. Implying that I shouldn't be offended at disrespect to my country is like saying I shouldn't be offended at someone that comes to my house without knocking, spitting on my floor and eating all of the food in the fridge.
they have the right to be arrogant and disrespectful. you should be able to take offense, but not put them in jail or kick them out of the country because they irritate you. they do have to play by the same rules---theyre called laws.