ypu should have stopped watching the moment you realized what it was, and turned the channel to something awesome, like champions league soccer
now i am tryin to watch the US open cup, portland vs minnesota, and the fucking minnesota fans also have gay flags, and transgender flags! one asshole has an antifa style blac face mask and a sign that says destroy racism. cmon. cant you take your faggot performances elsewhere and just watch a fucking sporting event? its not just that they are liberal, i wouldnt like NRA flags either. its not approprite at sporting events to be pushing your dumb agenda.
What did ylu explain from those Minnesotans? After all they elected Al Franken. And wasn't Fargo set in Minnesota?
I always wondered why they called the movie Fargo. Why not Minneapolis? I did meet a guy from North Dakota one time and he had a weird accent like in the movie.
speaking of the guy who had the anti-racism flag. there is a fair bit of racism in soccer. but 100% of it is not americans. and mexican fans always yell faggot (puto) at opposing goalkeepers. not just mexicans for their own national team, but american mexicans in latino cities like LA. like the fans of LA galaxy. so we have mexican fans calling people faggots, and white liberals in portland and minnesota waving the rainbow flags so white folks get up in arms about homophobic chants. and they they cheer for more immigrants. i like when the agenda of the left contradicts itself. this always happens with muslims.
yeah these people live in pussy communities. like i saw in portland a fat lady antifa stopping traffic in portland one time for some dumb protest. try to stop traffic in baton rouge. we got too many rednecks and gangsta homies that dont put up with that bullshit
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