I don't know but if you find some whale vomit on the shores of Cali then you are on your way to early retirement. http://www.benkepple.com/archives/000897.html
How is it that 2 million people made it to Washington DC in 1 day in subzero temps and 200,000 couldn't get out of New Orleans in 85 degree weather with 4 days notice?
Whale, me and my bucket are heading to the beach! Nice to know there are many as curious as I to conduct said search! Bravo everyone. :grin:
Instead of a regular arm, Carl had been born with a pigeon wing. The odd thing was--all through his life no one had ever laughed at it, not even the mean kids. Then one day he realized why: He looked into the mirror and saw that HE WAS A PIGEON! He sh!t right there, as he often did, wherever he was.
seems some of you cant even have random thoughts. you know who you are--jack handy and mitch hedberg fans. the future is now i guess. people are googling looking for their thoughts. :sigh: