its a cold evening and i just took laundry out of the dryer. i think i now understand why pets like to curl up in the basket of warm laundry.
BUT what I didn't realize was that Hells Kithen started back up tonight! Heck when survivor starts back up I will be back to a busy Thursday TV night! Okie shares in our love for Survivor, even if she isn't admitting it yet!
The first Tarzan movie was filmed in Louisiana in 1917. The "jungle" was near Morgan City on the Bayou Teche.
And the famous Tarzan yell was born when he tried to take a leak the morning after running the MC bars.
Why don't politicians practice what they preach? They certainly don't hold themselves accountable to the same standards they set for everyone else!
Got behind a lady on 441 yesterday going 35 in a 50. As I passed her, she was on the phone, smoking a cigarette and driving at the sametime. I didnt even cuss at her, I just shook my head.
He actually sang better than Lee Marvin. A three-hour musical and neither of the stars could sing worth a lick. Somehow it actually gave the film some authenticity. Now Harve Presnell could sing . . .