Taste the Bush wine ad banned for being too sexist and degrading http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2015/11/04/taste-bush-wine-ad-ruled-sexist-and-degrading/
I am mad. Baton Rouge newspapers cost 75 cents, except on Sunday whem they are $2. Today is Thursday. I just bought a Baton Rouge Advocate. Felt like it weighed 10 pounds. Got a large coffee too. When the clerck rand up my puchase as $3.84 I told her she had overcharged me. But Noooo. For The Thanksgiving paper it's $2. After a threw away all the advertising inserts the paper was its normal size. The bastards are making me pay for advertising that I didn't want in the first place. That just ain't right I'll post what they say when I call the Advocate office tomorrow.
Now they have a smart frying pan. Sort of like training wheels for a bicycle https://www.pantelligent.com/smart-...utm_campaign=h_gemini_notarget_giftingmoms_01
A billion dollars is only about $3 per US citizen. If everybody would send me $3 I would be a billionaire. If ya'll want to go the extra milre and make me a trillionaire you could all send me just $3000. If ya'll would do that for me I'll pick a lucky winner. If you are the winner I'll buy your favorite sports team and let you run it.
Fuck that, someone come and steal my ol lady and I will pay you! Price is negotiable returns are not!