instead of giving the citizens of detroit false hope through athletic events we should burn the city down and start over.
Thats what I think of DC. We need to start from scratch and have a new government. People who actually believe in the Constitution for a change.
i thought this was the "random" thoughts thread. not the "every waking moment" thoughts thread. :huh:
It's called evolution of a thread or a living breathing thread!:grin: That also means it will probably evolve back to where it came from!
I see the building going up at the WTC* site is now above street level. *World Trade Center where 2 towers were toppled by terrorists for those of you who seem to have forgotten.:911:
I know one thing. I have an inalienable right to a beer at the end of a long hard day! I tell my wife that it's a constitutionally protected right.... It falls under the persuit of happiness !!!
Why does Mike have this undying to desire to watch every movie made, no matter how horrible or bad, and it wouldn't be so bad if after 30 minutes when he realized the movie SUCKS, he turned it off, but oh no, we watch the full FREAKING thing!!! By the way The Gray Man is on that list.