Comments such as this are not fair and completely unprovoked. I hope devil dog bites off your pinky toe and buries it in the backyard.
i wish. i have to save my vacation time for games. and given greenie was just down there for a few of his games, i dont even have the excuse of needing to meet with the contractor because he just took care of that business. but between the three of my sistas, im sure yall will eat enough crawfish for me, too. :thumb:
:hihi: Sorry, that was completely unintentional! But at least you can still eat crawfish and you have to drink something it just won't be anything that will make you loopy!
ha! you can join me in being the designated driver now. :grin: look at it this way, you wont be alone in being stone cold sober. :hihi:
I will still be in BR Wednesday night--not leaving until Thursday to come home. Batty, OT, girls night out???
I can't make it Wednesday night but I can for lunch on Thursday if y'all want. And I am happy for anybody to show up! The more the merrier!
So my alarm clock decided last night was daylight savings rather than Sunday and automatically reset itself. So I woke up, did my little workout and jumped in the shower. Imagine my surprise when it was still dark outside when I got out of the shower. So I basically got to sit around my house for an hour this morning playing with the dog. I sure coulda used the extra hour of sleep... I guess it could have been worse...the clock could have stepped back an hour and made me late for work. Sigh.