That's what I've observed. Fortunately, with the alleys most neighborhoods have here in Plano, most fences are not attached to neighbors'.
I'm actually the only house on my block w/o a fence. I like the openness. Seems to me if everyone would get rid of their fences, the crooks wouldn't have a place to hide and we might get to know our neighbors a little better.
Well I dont really care if it gets fixed honestly. My dog is on a leash and it fell into his yard. He has a 1x6 propping it up right now but I know he probably isnt enjoying having that brace in the middle of his yard. It's attached to his house by a gate and it's not attached to mine. If it's my responsibility somehow, I'm just trying to be nice so the guy can get the brace out of his yard while I still have some tax return money left. I emailed the HOA and they told me I should just work it out with him.
That's the spirit. Gotta keep em youngins caged or they just take over. For those that cannot afford a fence, I might suggest a leash. They have them leashes that can hold more then one kid at a time. Brilliant!