Truer words were never spoken about beagles. Mine was a real problem anywhere near an open door or gate. She's been dead since 2004, but the stories about Chelsea breaking free are still the stuff of legend in my family. My beagle, however, never, ever barked--which was probably a saving grace for her. She was the sweetest dog I ever had, though my recently-acquired lab may vie for that spot.
never had a lab? you'll like it more. dogs are similar to spouses. you always want a smarter one than you end up with.
I love the lab, and since she's already two, she's pretty well trained. There are some pitfalls to having a larger dog, though. I knew about food and a bigger crate, etc. But I was baking cookies for the teachers at Sloane's school on Sunday, went to the back for five minutes, and came back to find a whole tray of cookies on the floor with the dog in the middle of them. I've never had a dog tall enough to get something on the back of a kitchen counter.
welcome to my world with weims. my dad and sister always had labs and my sister's lab stole the turkey carcass while everyone was at the table eating one year. echo knows the kitchen timer and when he hears it comes running to see what is coming out of the oven. all of my weims have been older when they came to live with us of anywhere between 16 months and 3 years of age. getting one that is already house and crate trainedis great.
i had a rude awakening a few minutes ago. i was standing outside and noticed it was looking dark off to the west. i havent had the tv on all day but i knew the was a chance of rain, so not surprised. until the tornado sirens went off. luckily for me on the west side of town. but not so good for those on the west side.
obviously never had a mastiff. =dumb dog, err stubborn. much similar to a rottweiler. or as this dude i know that sold me one once, a rockweiler. i bought it on debick or credick. cant remember. another dumb breed. err stubborn.
That would be a compliment. I know you can do better then that. FTR I have a retriever as well. Count in the macaw for instability and irrational behavior and you have a phucking zoo in desperate need of a shrink. Never mind the 8 year old child...