Actually, Puggles were bred to help with the breathing and weight problems that Pugs traditionally have.
But will they be dumb like a beagle? I had a beagle for 12 years, and she was a very sweet dog--but man-oh-man, was she dumb!
He is incredibly stubborn. In fact his trainer believes he is the most stubborn dog she has even worked with. We took him to two full length puppy training series and he still refuses to walk on a leash or come when called. He sits, stays and lay down very well... when there is a treat involved.
most hounds are considered your dumb dogs but thats because they think with their nose and are relatively independent. herding dogs were bred to follow human commands and work in groups, hence, they appear smarter for our use. if anyone has a beagle they better have a big yard or a large pen for it to run around. they have the attention span of a 6 yr old overdosed on pixie stix. Once they get out of your yard and onto a scent, they will blindly follow it for miles not caring where they end up. but beagles are cool if you train them properly when they are pups. they are bred to howl so many people end up disliking them since they are quite vocal.
Rudy is less vocal than your average beagle but loves to follow smells. He howls on occassion at the end of a bark. In the car he doesn't hang his head out the window instead he puts his nose directly in front of the vent.