In the interest of my safety I will change the subject. Ladies, can you please explain the benefit of doing EVERYTHING in groups? I swear, I don't know how these fools get any work done around here. Every time one of them wants coffee they gather like 10 chicks together to go to the coffee pot. Work always conveniently shows up at that time and I'm always the only one at my desk. It makes me want to punch a baby.
“You know what? I know this isn’t you talking, it’s your hormones, but I would just like to say, F you, hormones! You are a crazy bitch, hormones! Not Batty! Hormones! F them." "It’s a girl. Buy some pink shiit!”
I actually don't understand the pack mentality of women, either. If I'm out somewhere, and I need to go to the bathroom, I'll go. I don't need a band of loyal followers to come along. But that's just me, and you might get a similar response from the other females on this board because, after all, we're women who choose to post on a football and male-heavy message board.
no argument from me. i can handle that trip on my own, thank you. the only reason to ask another chick to come along to where ever is if you need to tell them something in private. then it makes a good excuse!