LSU is facing a 30% budget cut in June. We got Deans who are wondering which side of that table they are going to be on.
I've been hearing radio commercials about LSU's budget cuts. I'm not exactly sure how spending money on radio commercials advertising that you aren't going to have enough money makes any sense, but whatever. It's not like anything else the government does with money makes any sense to me either, so no surprise there.
I'm starting to get really sick of the women I work with for a variety of reasons. Use your imagination as to how the stereotypical group of women in an office environment would be and add excessive tardiness and you have my reasons.
The funny thing is that there is a drive-through LIQUOR store in Minneapolis. In Louisiana the only thing I ever see are drive-through daiquiri shops. I know about the 9:00 ammunition law. Don't ever try to get hunting supplies late at night for a trip the next day.
Well, who would be dumb enough to send their "scrap" gold (as if this is something that people just have laying around in scrap-metal form) to a company through the mail? If I had an over abundance of scrap gold (who doesn't) I'd likely bring it to a jeweler and WALK OUT with a check in my hand.