in todays installment of what is racist, its exercise! The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise
football is also racist Damar Hamlin’s Collapse Highlights the Violence Black Men Experience in Football The “terrifyingly ordinary” nature of football’s violence disproportionately affects Black men
Hmm, I wonder if they've run the numbers to see the ratio of black v white in the NFL? I'm going to go out on a limb and say more white dudes are injured in the NHL than blacks...
Dear diary, why do some atheist fervently (religiously?) dismiss intelligent design, believe only in 'science', and yet dismiss the miracle of creation - the big bang where all matter was created in an instant? And dismiss so many other obvious and glaring inconsistencies with their views? Isn't that silly diary?
Are you saying that the universe and all matter was not created? That's silly, there's a world of evidence for creation. And there's far more evidence now for intelligent design of our universe then not. What is the empirical evidence, or main evidence that the universe was not created or of non intelligent design?
I think it is silly to assume that everything has a finite span of existence. Take that assumption away and things will look different with all of that "evidence". It has always been here and will always be here. It may transform due to natural processes, but it did not begin, and it will not go away. The universe is infinite as is expressed by the word "universe". It does not have an edge or an end. Ever. All that "beginning, ending" stuff is just our minds trying to wrap our heads around concepts and put them into boxes. There is no evidence for intelligent design, just man's innate desire to answer every question. It is OK to say, "we don't know, but we will keep digging" instead of "here is the answer and the answer is supernatural" when we all know that that approach has always been wrong. Repeatedly wrong. Like every time.