Funny story, the short version, in 09 I was away for the summer and the wife got a dog against my insistence that she didn't. I was SO pissed that she did. Well a few weeks ago I was hammered, I know, shocker right. I let the dog out at about 3 am and it usually comes right back in but not this time. So off I go, freezing my ass off with the windows down through the neighborhood looking for this dumb dog. On my 3rd time around it was sitting at the door.
I love that dog, now, but if it ever says a word it dies instantly. It will have to be suicided for security purposes.
yes the chinese are one of a handful of countries that have inter continental ballistic missiles. they could hit us, but we have a misslile defense system, i am not sure how well it works though. i took a course on this in college, but it was 20 years ago