If I was a kid now my parents wouldn't let me read comic books. Marvel introduces Snowflake, the first non binary superhero. What the fuck us wrong with those people. https://www.dailywire.com/news/marvel-comics-debuts-its-first-non-binary-superhero-named-snowflake
A Baton Rouge restaurant, Doe's Eat Place, has started doing a takeout and delivery special: Tamale & Toilet Paper Thursdays. You get a roll of toilet paper with every order of tamales.
one way we can imagine world war 3 starting is that kim jong un dies, the NK population divides and half wants to go join south korea, and half wanna retain the commies. south korea, aided by the US helps out, but china helps the bad guy, leading to a proxy war between china and the US over n korea. then it goes downhill from there.