Now that there are no more phone booths where does Superman change clothes? On Star Trek whenever they have to beam down to a potentially dangerous planet where it's possible they could be killed why is it always Captain Kirk, Spock and Dr McCoy? Is it just me or do you think it's crazy to send the three most important members of the crew?
If they picked somebody who wasn't a regular cast member you knew he was dead even before they beamed down.
They realized how silly that practice was when they sat down to write the rules for Next Generation. They called it the "Kirk knows its the most dangerous planet in the galaxy so he's taking the whole bridge crew with him" syndrome. Another problem they fixed was causing conflict by having the transporter malfunction. Seriously, would you get in an elevator if you thought it likely the thing would kill you the second you pressed the "down" button?
Checking into my hotel last night in Houston and I'm on the elevator with this guy making elevator chat. Turns out it was Ruben Foster. I had to move my sunglasses so he could see the LSU on my hat. Really nice guy
I was really surprised at how small he looked. He did have a jacket on but just seemed a lot smaller than you'd think. Maybe he has slimmed down while rehab on the knee.