Random thoughts of the day

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by Sourdoughman, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    Dec 23, 2004
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    was 'northeastern europe' correct? You mean like the Baltic countries, Finland, etc..?
  2. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    no, i did in fact mean NW europe, netherlands belgium scandinavia etc.

    but i do in fact like the baltics and have been to all of them. they are just poorer, owing to the former soviet poverty. that was astute of you to notice. the baltics will grow like crazy and will be awesome very soon. not there yet. my mistake i dont know right from left or east from west.

    it weird some former soviet states like the baltics kick ass whils others like bulgaria and romania still suck dick. i has alot to do with how much russian influence remains. like moldova, its a proper shithole. poorest nation in europe. but latvia is magnificent.

    if you dont live in NW europe or the other places i mention, your life is limited to some extent. in your opportunity or freedom or living standards.
    sure, you can live a fine life in mexico city or buenos aires. but you wont quite have it as good as the americans. or the dutch, or the norwegian.
    Frogleg likes this.
  3. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I hate going to Walmart any time of year but I especially hate it during the holiday season. All the stores, both locally and nationwide turn the heat up to just below blast furnace level for the holidays. It's not the stores. The thermostat for all of them is controlled by corporate headquarters in Bentonville, R Kansas.

    Pocahontas wants to break up Amazon. Amazon makes it possible for me to almost never ser foot in a Walmart.
    Sourdoughman likes this.
  4. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    random thing

    the show "shen yun" chinese dance show that you have seen advertised, and i think plays the river center, is a propaganda show put on by falun gong, a chinese religious/spiritual group that is banned by communist china. falun gong is like a scientology with yoga kinda spiritual groups that is very illegal in china.

    the show depicts the great leap forward and the cultural revolution in china, the destruction of chinese history and culture by the communist paty, and then has hot chinese dancers do gymnastics and flips and shit. most american viewers do not understand the politics of the show. they just like the colors and dances and shit.

    its illegal in china, and the chinese government detains and punishes the families of the performers that still live in china. the chinese government also slashes the tires of the trucks carryin the show, and blackmails and bribes theaters worldwide that allow them to perform.

    this is just one aspect of the soft power war going on that we dont notice. also the "confucius institute" and chinese students and scholars association here (including at LSU) is affiliated and manipulated by the commies. you may be skeptical, but its true. if, for example, LSU students started mobilizing to protest in favor of hong kong or tibet, you would see the commies organizing their students to vigorously oppose it.

    also there is large scale industrial espionage. if you are hiring for exxon or some other important company here, you should be careful. that chinese kid that got great grades might seem like a great hire. but he will steal your shit. seriously.

    chinese manipulation of us and our companies and culture and politics is far stronger than what russia does. the NBA bending over and getting fucked by china is just the beginning
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Yippie! An unexpected Christmas present for me. I bought a Canon printer on Amazon about 14 months ago so it must be out of warranty. Last week it was printing fine until my last cartridge ran out of ink. I replaced the cartridge but then the printer wouldn't inhale the paper to print on.

    I called Canon tech support. The operator made me register an account with them before she would let me talk to a technician, Then I was on hold for 30 minutes "due to high call volume." Finally I talked to some guy who spoke English. Barely. After going through every scenario possible it still wouldn't draw up the paper. Tech guy said the roller must be broken. I figured then that I was fucked because the warranty had expired and I would have to buy a new printer. Then the tech guy said that Canon was sending me a new printer. No charge, no shipping and handling.

    When I told the guy my address he said he used to live in Lake Charles and loved crawfish.
    KyleK and el005639 like this.
  6. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    today there was an artcle in the NYT about the racist chants endured by belgian soccer star romelu lukaku. i am a fan of his and i always play him and belgium on FIFA video game. huge guy, smashes headers into the net. he plays in italy and has played in england and of course in the world cup for belgium.

    anyways my point is to support my thesis that the US is far less racist than anywhere.

    imagine you are at an LSU or sants game, here in the deepest of the deep south. and imagine somebody started racist chants at a player. we would beat that fucking idiot up! we dont put up with that kinda nonsense in the US!
    shane0911 likes this.
  7. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    i think we have a serial killer in BTR

    i live downtown. twice in the last few weeks i rode over the north blvd overpass from downtown towards BRCC. and two times dead homeless people were there. today i saw the cops taking photos of a dead guy shot on the porch as i drove by.

    seems somebody is out there puttin bullets into homeless.

  8. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    The Pelicans won in Portland the other night. Some woman in the stands took to Twitter to mock the anti-semetic Portland fans who were complaining about the "f'ing Jew holiday", thinking they must really hate Hannukah. Someone pointed out that Jrue Holliday had a really good game for the Pels.
    Bengal B likes this.
  9. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Gotta be a serial killer. A robber would choose victims with some money or something valuable.

    Why don't you put on some ratty old clothes and go down there and lie there wrapped in an old blanket. When the killer shows up fill him with lead. Go ahead. Make Charles Bronson proud.
  10. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    yeah its wild. a guy out there is apparently sick of homeless and is on a rampage. thats fucked up. also seems like a white person thing to do. scary.

    i agree with you, gotta be a serial killer. not gangstas, not domestic. thats the only real other reason for killin. gotta be a lunatic serial murderer. i expect this to keep happening. dont take a nap on a bench

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