it was a joke you didnt quite get but it worked i think. you typed that reply all on your own. also, I got nothing against google, just those who cant think without it. the ones using it for their random thoughts in this thread, wouldnt be in that group, hence the joke. Pretty funny it bothered you though.
Its Friday afternoon. Time to leave work. Turn up the temp on the Hot tub. Put a bottle of wine on chill. Call a friend. Oh wait, that's not a random thought. I've had that on my mind all day long.
I'll admit that mine wasn't original. It was in an email that my uncle sent to me. I did think about it when I read it though...enough to take the racism out of it at least so I wouldn't get flamed. The title of the thread doesn't mention anything about originality. :thumb: To appease tirk: Yesterday when the news was talking about the ice storm knocking out power in Kentucky, I was thinking about whether or not I would rather be sweaty and mosquito-bitten miserable with no power like Gustav or if I would rather be frozen miserable with no power. I decided I would rather be frozen miserable, since I could make a fire to sit and sleep next to and I wouldn't have to clean out my freezer when the power came back on.
oh noes someone didnt follow the thread title. or maybe their was just a connection between deep and random thoughts which apparently only bothers one human on earth. i suspect it comes from other forms of googling that have bothered you in the past. i caught my neighbor stealing my newspaper this morning. they will pay.