The court is not supposed to teach people to have respect for authority. The courts shouldn't even be bothering with Xanax girl. And the point of bail is to make people come to court, not to teach them respect. You are not supposed to double bail for attitude.The judge has no idea what he is doing. Also when she was arrested she wasn't doing anything, she was found crying next to a bicycle she had fallen off. She doesn't need cops she needs Martin to hold her. I also look forward to the sex tape, I like penepole soto.
Also my lovely sweetie has already had the doubling of her bail reversed by another judge, and I am sure the contempt will be reversed as well. I find her guilty of theft, for stealing my heart.
Judges wield waaaaay to much power over individuals lives, they often get off on throwing that power around. Screw this judge.
It was very good whiskey in the 80's before it became widely popular and they started cranking it out to meet demand. Quality dropped. The same thing happened with Jack Daniels. 40 years ago, Jack Daniels was a regional whisky, aged 7 years and 90 proof. Then it got popular nationally and they started making it on a production line. Now it is aged 3 years or less and is diluted to 80 proof.
yeah i know they diluted it, its big news today. why dont they just raise the price. is this some sort of weird marketing scam? you dont ruin products when demand exceeds supply, you raise prices and problem solved.
Wrong. Makers is still amazing and not mass produced. In fact right before new years they ran out if it completely. Liquor stores here had none until the next batch came out. It happens quite a bit because they only make a certain amount and when its gone its gone.