For once I did it on purpose to emphasize my distaste for the music. I can't be bothered to get the name right. Like when your dad says he loves jay-x. Our friend tc can't make the same claim about thinking a chord is a cord, but we forgive her, women are not supposed to be smart. I still don't like medicine ball and the water wagons
Low level fat man/pretty wife sitcoms use the comic device endlessly, I think I have heard snoop doggy doo like 5 times, each made want to slit throats.
Fact: I am about to go donate platelets at the upper east side blood donor center. It hurts and takes forever, but it relieves of the guilt of first world white privilege, meaning I don't have to give to charity or solicit donations to run marathons. A bit of alcoholism is still required lest I catch a case of white savior syndrome and start watching kony vids on youtube.
Uh.... Jeremy Wade did this on TV and they didn't eat him. May want to pick a different fish depending on what day it is
You must be a pussy. I have given platelets at least half a dozen times. It does take forever, but it's about as painful as chewing gum.
What's a radio? Must be something really old.... I saw that....I see u Martin! Like Fantasy Football I'd crush you mentally......
Why does the the day of the week matter? Piranhas, stingrays, Steve Irwin....whatever, you get the point.
I am a regular donor, but the two times I did platelets the damned machine stopped working halfway through.
Kyle is still a bit angry about that time I said he was stupid. I have given platelets many times and it ranges from a pleasure to hurting a bit. Sometimes they will struggle with my vein and when the blood goes back in it will inflate my arm instead of going in the vein. I end up with a forearm that is blood filled and is deep purple all over, from wrist to elbow. I have allowed this to happen because I am not a pussy and haven't realized that I was supposed to complain and get them to fix it.