Random fact: The only 15 letter English word that you can spell without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable.
Misconjulatedly is a phony word that does not appear in the dictionary. Dermatoglyphics reaches to 15 letters only by adding the plural "s". So, I offer the plural uncopyrightables as the longest English word without repeating letters at 16 letters.
http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/uncopyrightables http://www.wordnik.com/words/uncopyrightables http://www.lexic.us/definition-of/uncopyrightables Uncopyrightables has been used as a legal term for 100 years. See example
Random Fact: King David, Charlemagne, Julius Caesar, and Alexander the Great are the four kings in a deck of cards. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_(playing_card)
here is a kick ass random facts. martin will be visiting the following nations, all before mid april 1. venezuela 2. germany 3. switzerland 4. poland 5. greece 6. latvia 7. turkey 8. russia
pleasure. half marathon in venenezula. trip to greece and istanbul with homies. then sad solo trip to germany and poland and russia.