Actally, in theory the total amount of force to bring Car 2 to a stop wouyld be 4x as much as Car 1. Well if the force required to stop is four times as much at 100 mph as 50 mph. Then split the damage between them equally and get twice the damage.
Hell no, Everybody inthe world knows what an American is. We have staked out the turf. TheCannucks and Latin America dislike the situation and must use modifers. Tough shit. They have University of Lafayette Louisiana syndrome. Doesn't bother me a bit.
Car 1 and 2 are identical. Car 2 had 2X damage because it moved at twice the velocity. Two cars of equal mass that collide head-on at equal velocity will have exactly the same effect as hitting an immovable wall. Each will suffer X damage.
Which I answered correctly days ago. I know, that was the point. It is pedantic to point out such things. However, Latin and South Americans will point it out, and they will call you not an American, but a norteamericano, or say you are from los estados unidos, or most likely call you a gringo. Venezuelans, and presumably most ignorant suramericanos don't really bother to differentiate between gringos. A swede and an Australian and white guy from Seattle, all gringos. And they have about as much chance at identifying an Englishman from an American as I distinguishing Paris French from Montreal French, which is zero, even thought the French French is as different from Canadian French as Scotland english is from American English.
This dude was taking shots at me in another thread for my endorsement of Al Jazeera. I don't think people understand what Al Jazeera is. It isn't a mouthpiece for terrorists. It's a Qatari owned news channel with offices all over the world. Mostly when I watch it is from London or New York and the reporters are English and sometimes American. It is as politically neutral as you could hope for, and, again, is vastly superior to CNN and fox. It has far fewer talking heads and much more hard news.
Al Jazeera is indeed a legitimate news outlet with BBC-like aspirations. But it is not politically neutral. They definitely have a third-world spin, they are just not as biased as FOX or MSNBC with overt political agendas.
correct. politically neutral does not exist. thats why i said "as neutral as you could hope for". it is pedantic to point out such things.