haha I was a small child, but I have a memory like an elephant when it comes to random pop culture bullshit........which is why I'm better than everyone on this board at trivia.
Literally zero chance you are half as good as I am at trivia. There are only maybe three topics I don't know everything about. Hunting/fishing...maybe opera, I know everything else and have read multiple books about every other conceivable topic. Unless the topic is gay things that happen at a hunting camp, I would destroy you.
I will fucking destroy you in trivia. You know nothing about pop culture bullshit and more about the Ottoman Empire--I know both; therefore, I will fuck you up.
Please. I just read an article about the Ottoman Empire 10 minutes ago, because I am going to Istanbul in march. I am running over the Bosphorus bridge from Europe to Asia. This is true about any topic you can imagine because I never stop reading. Also I have a voracious appetite for pop culture and could draw a perfect little vo5 hot oil treatment from memory, resting cup of hot water, prepared for application.
Oh I want in on this one. You monkeys aint got jack on me. I'm sure there is a way we can link up on buzztime trivia and battle it out.
Buffalo Wild Wings, Old Chicago, tons of places have it. There is even an app for it on the smartphones which I have. Let us know when you get there.
How much tire pressure is in an F-15 main landing gear tire? I know its not trivia, but you know everything. So worth a shot.
I'm not sure. This may be the only place martin has a jump on me as resident tech nerd I am not. I barely know how to make this overpriced gadget I carry around with make a call. I'd be willing to bet that it is entirely possible. I'll try to look into it.