You pricks let me know when you figure out if i am funny, and if so if I most similar to Gilligan, vega, Sheldon, or bundy. Also why does this ipad do such random capitalization? Also saban ain't goin nowhere.
Because human beings are stupid in a very predictable way, one of the ways you can manipulate them is with a claim of cleansing and redemption, it's a universal thing used to fool idiots. So in India maybe the biggest and smelliest event of all time is about to take place where the filthiest and stinkiest people bathe in the most squalid river, the Ganges, as part of an infantile Hindu celebration of nonsense, which is just starting in India. How many filthy stinkbottoms, you ask? 100 million. Yeah you read that right, 100 million. The world would have to divert all industries to febreze production to neutralize even an afternoon of that horror. It is worthy of note that Indians believe the Ganges purifies the dead or something, so they chuck all their dead relatives in there, and when you bathe and cleanse yourself, there are literally skulls and bodies floating by in the mud, with stray dogs chomping on human ass. People who believe in science have tested it and the river has like a zillion tons of shitdeath per ounce. That is really dirty.
Fact, I just finished reading "Lone Survivor" Fact- In hindsight, I guess those three clowns should have been smoked but in the same situation I'm not quite sure what I would have done. Quite the ethical dilemma (oh that is another fact) Fact- Marcus Luttrell is flat out badass Fact- I really wish, I mean really really wish, 24 years or so ago when I had no idea what the hell I wanted to do, that I knew what I know now.
Fact: cheese eating surrender monkeys are quick to call the us imperialists but do not hesitate send their own troops to shoot Islamiists when they threaten their interests in Mali.
my new thing is to travel somewhere weird for no reason. yunno get drunk with the locals. just booked athens and istanbul for march. february is Venezuela.