1. How so?
  2. because i deal with it every day. Unfortunately i am not in a position to pick and choose who my company does business with. It's not every company, lots of companies are very up to date on their EEO standards.
  3. Thats a good question, even though I have a really good job, I sent a application and resume' to another place last Tuesday and they called me on friday wanting too interview and meet. Now I strongly believe that it was because of my qualifications even though the dreaded question of race and background was on the application.
  4. I ask because it has never come up in 30 years of my hiring professionals. Although I have had many black student workers and several black graduate assistants, I have never had a black staff professional working for me.

    On the surface it might seem fishy, but honestly there just aren't that many blacks in the environmental and geo-sciences, especially in the narrow disciplines. I have had only three black applicants in 30 years. All were interviewed. One had lied about his qualifications and was exposed in the interview as unqualified. The other two were very qualified and both got job offers. Unfortunately for me and fortunately for those applicants, they were very marketable and found more lucrative opportunities out of state.

    I can't imagine a circumstance where I would put race ahead of qualifications, since my ass is on the line if my staff fails to perform. Neither can I imagine a situation where my bosses would order me to consider race, either for racist reasons or for "affirmative action" reasons. Granted I work at a university that is far more enlightened than many private firms. Still, how long can you racially gerrymander any working unit and not end up with people that are less than optimum for the job?
  5. Professional positions, no, i haven't run into discrimination problems. But labor jobs, jobs that people work with their hands, industrial, yes i have run into discrimination.
  6. thats a reach at best, there are organizations based on different races and gender all over. Which has nothing to do with hiring practices.
    Private business can hire who they want along as the process is fair, but they dont get to determine if that process is fair, because of historical discrimination.
  7. Were the Civil Rights Act needed at the time. Yes.

    It is now 2010. Do you honestly think a business would survive if they weren't fair? Hell let's take a look at F'in BET. You don't have many white people hosting those shows. I don't see anyone up in arms about that.

    The whole argument Rand Paul brought up was about property rights and what the FEDs have control over via public/private. The more reach they have into your business the more our liberties are stripped.

    And no that wasn't a reach. You can't condone one and blast the other. It's the same thing.
  8. its definitely not the same, BET is owned by Viacom and the last time I checked those folks where white who owns Viacom. if they wanted to change the landscape of BET, they damn well could. Also, thats a poor example, thats more about marketing, how about the Country Music Channel, you see any black or hispanics hosting any shows on that network? No, because it is geared toward a certain demographic. Thats like having an italian grocery store, with all Italians working there, but that doesnt mean only Italians would shop there. Come up with a better argument.

    im not talking about Rand Paul's argument, which was deeply flawed to say the least, its a reason libertarians are not in the mainstream political landscape, because they are corporate emps in mardi gras masks.
  9. Our founders were Libertarians. I'll stick with that...