Well Rand did say that Iran having a nuke was bad and also said he would not take a military or nuclear option off the table in dealing with them, so he may not be a complete idiot. We will know soon enough.
Because most of the posters have been voting on talking points. Are you now trying to argue from the fallacies of SF. :insane:
Rand Paul should probably learn that there are some things you should say and some things you should probably keep to yourself. Paul: No repeal of civil rights law - Manu Raju - POLITICO.com I understand what he is trying to say, which is a private company should have the right to choose who they want to employ, and race shouldn't be an issue, but the media is going to get ahold of this and label him a racist.
I am not saying that he is a racist or anything, but its statements like the one he made that kill a campaign and political career, and Rachel Maddow is really good at setting people up.
honesty isn't popular these days unfortunately. it's more popular to tell people what they want to hear even if it is completely false.
Rachel Maddow and "honesty and actual knowledge" don't go together...even in the same thread. If we changed America to her liking how long would we last? A month...six months...one year?