I'm the same way for the most part although I go up 4 mph. Otherwise, I'll speed when I have a rabbit and on a long trip. It's not worth the headache of constantly looking for cops.
That's why I gave up speeding. Too much stress constantly looking for the cops. On trips of <100 miles, you can hardly save any time and that encompasses the majority of my driving.
It helps to know the thresholds in a state as well. In Florida, State Troopers tickets start at 7 mph over so you are generally safe 7 or below on cruise and I tested that a lot. In New York, I had a State Trooper tell me they ignore 7 and below (under good conditions) but 8 or more will get you pulled almost every time. I forgot what was acceptable in Louisiana. I know Texas is pretty generous.
I drive on average about 5 mph over the limit whether I'm driving in town or on the Interstate, no problems so far... knock on wood. I used to be a habitual 10 mph and over driver until I lost my DL for 90 days back years ago. Nope, SR72 ins., the fines, reinstatement fees, etc. and the whole hassle of not having a license for awhile wised me up. I just leave the house a few minutes earlier now and do my 5 over thing.
I don't speed in town but when I get on the interstate its boogedy boogedy boogedy, lets go racin' boys. I once drove from Baton Rouge to Houston in 3 hours
How far is BR from Houston? I live in the Bossier area and can make Houston in 4 just doing my slow steady 5 mph over.
About 300 miles. Its usually a 4 1/2 to 5 hour trip depending on the traffic. What route do you take from Bossier?
I don't remember the small Hwy to Logansport, but then we hit 84W to 59S... and I take it back we hit H-town in around 3.5 hrs. Traffic usually doesn't pick up until we get close to 59, but by then I can go 80mph on the Interstate so it's not a big deal.
I gave up that crap years ago. About 4 maybe five over, right lane, no problems. I just stayed stressed lookin for the man. Besides I am no longer in a hurry. Now I get stressed at Grandpas in the damn grandpa lane!