From my perspective, jail without parole may not be a punishment, but it certainly prevents a murderer from ever murdering an innocent person again. OUR PROBLEM is we feel sorry for the sorry bastards, and let them out.
Problem in a nutshell. What we need is consequences the thugs will fear/respect, and the societal (political?) resolve to stay the course once we agree what those consequences are.
If the death penalty doesn't stop them what else is there? I also think we are conflating issues here. Deterrents to crime are not the same as gun laws which are all unconstitutional in my opinion.
The death penalty is ineffective because it is unevenly enforced. Some states refuse to use it at all, and the ones that do permit so many appeals that some convicts literally die waiting to be executed. Can't agree that all gun laws are unconstitutional. A law forbidding a known violent criminal from owning a gun is not a bad thing. Gun laws passed for no other reason than "control" are unconstitutional.
The law is a good idea. If that were the case, there’d be no laws. It’s about the enforcement of those laws and the punishments that matter
Totally ineffective, but that goes back to the severity of the penalties and the backbone to enforce them.
today our AR pistols with braces became illegal SBRs and we now have to register them with the feds. doesnt matter, we all lost our AR's at that boating accident
this chinaman on chinaman shooting is again being used as a gun control talking point. whats more interesting is the news was already sure its was trumps anti-asian hate crime wave that was to blame. turned out if was a 72 year old chinaman in some sort of local dispute with his lady and friends or whatever. again, the anti asian crime wave is 100% an invention of the chinese communist partes and their dullard allies on the left. china instructed american chinese to report hate speech "crimes" they made up, and they had their allies in media amplify every homeless black person that randomly punched a chinese lady as if homeless crack addicts dont randomly punch everyone all the time. then they use this shit to present a false narrative about anti-asian violence. asians are the safest of all ethnicities in terms of violence. when the news was presented to us that hate crime was way up, those stats were including alleged hate speech incidents. it was false. nobody hates asians. the only real hate problems are by muslims against everyone, but primarily jews. its actually midly suprising the jews in media havent been more vocal about this. i guess even the jews that run media dont want to upset the white liberal establishment that coddles muslims.