Wasn't there a movie out a couple years ago that was supposed to be a true story about these kind of missiles and the afghans etc....?
So my semi automatic .243 with a bottom loading magazine is not an assualt weapon when it has the standard stock and seven round magazine, but is an assualt weapon when I put on the pistol grip stock and an expanded magazine? Do I have this right? It goes from deer rifle to military grade killing machine by swapping a few parts?
During the last high-capacity magazine sales ban, they also banned collapsable stocks with pistol grips. I could do the same with my mini-14, I just see no reason to. I don't need collapsable stocks and pistol grips and I can put 20-round mags in the sportier stock just fine.
Right, so to my question. A regular mundane hunting rifle becomes an assault weapon when it has a bigger magazine and pistol grip?
Not so much the pistol grip, but the collapsable stock which makes it shorter and easier to conceal. It's a fine line between a sport semi-auto and and assault rifle. But it ain't invisible. Both shoot the military ammo (in most cases), both are semi-automatics. The difference lies in the military stock and the high-capacity magazines. This allows people to keep buying semi-autos for hunting and target shooting, where they are superior to assault rifles.