I thought about starting a thread but will just ask my question within this one instead. One of my friends recently read the book "The Wheat Belly" upon a recommendation from his doctor. Apparently the general theme is that wheat products have drastically changed in the last 50 years to the point of being very bad for your body (digestive, internal organs, and even the brain). Are the harmful effects of wheat really that bad? Do wheat products still exist that are more similar to the type from 50 years ago?
Christian Gray has probably put a lot of us in your boat, fortunately my little white friend does his daily job......I think Shane should be the one to remove himself from the reproduction pool, he gets this taken care of now and by the time your little one hatches , he'll be ready to fire and forget, how easy for him......right? There's no better time of year for him to sit in a chair all weekend with ice in his lap. Unless this would effect his ability to pick winners on weekends.
i dont know about this 50 years thing, but i strongly agree that wheat/sugar products kill people. you should never eat anything but meats and fruit/veg, unless you are an insane exerciser. also i bang bitches at an impressive rate when i am between beer 4 and 9, so cant give that up even though i think it is terrible for me. without beer i gets no bitches, i am too quiet. i love starch and bread and pasta, so i am slowly killing myself. but in my defense i have run a half marathon or longer every weekend for the last 5 weeks. i think i agree entirely. about a year ago i my conclusion was that everybody shold have one miltvitamin and fish oil daily. now i have reversed and think the multi is stupid, and the fish oil i am not sure about. probably not helpful at all. every time we eat a vitamin, we should force ourselves to eat broccoli instead and we would be strong and healthy as fuck. the vitamin does nothing.
I never took a daily multivitamin until about two years ago. Since that time, I do feel slightly healthier and my only real (or perceived) measuring stick is playing pickup basketball. I'm pretty sure that I've played better on average in these past two years than any other in my life (and I'm now 35 which should mean slowing down). It might be a multivitamin placebo effect and/or eating just a little bit smarter (although not much) that has made the difference but I'm going to continue the daily multivitamin (or maybe go with every other day).
there is certainly an argument to be made that a placebo effect is useful just the same as an effect from actual vitamins.
i have no doubt there are cheaper alternatives available without a prescription. sounds like a scam to me.
When should I put my son in school/preschool. Doctor yesterday said I need to put him in school because of his expanded vocabulary at 18 months and he can count to 15, among other things. Im not bragging a lot of this amazes me. But Im really I should say confused. Some people/family members say not until he is 2 and half and some people say when he turns 2 I should. My problem is he wont be able to tell me whats going on at school or if something happens to him, he cant effectively communicate to me any issues. Any suggestions are appreciated.
School at 18 months? I've never heard of that. My kids went to daycare and they learn songs and some counting etc. there. Is that what you're talking about. Or are you talking about more of a structured school.