I had a pint of "Viking" beer yesterday here in reykjavik. They are pretty proud of that Viking shit here and never shut up about it. If they want be proud of something, the should be proud of the stunning hotness of the lady Icelanders
Of the top 5 most brilliant comics, maybe 2 of them are black, which is a decent percentage. Dave chappelle is so brilliant and sensitive that he had his mind broken by Oprah. I think he struggles with his mental health as one of those tortured genius types. Incidental, the other good comics are Jamie foxx, Louie ck and norm macdonald. Al other comics are shit.
Also on the racial tensions front, I have done more research on who hates who, and it turns out my Irish friends (from Ireland, not plastic paddy Americans) genuinely do have resentment towards English and even other Irish who are not sufficiently catholic and nationalist. I call my Irish buds filthy micks all the time but they say if I were English it would be as bad as calling them nigger, which was amazing to me. We made up the new slur wankee for wanker Yankee, for annoying American pricks like me. All when rory McElroy had to decide which Olympic team to play for he necessarily made new fans and enemies. Poor bastard.
I speak to English and Irish people every day for work. Yeah the Irish get pissed if we ask them if they are from the other office. I stopped guessing which office and just make them tell me.
she could lose a few pounds and be less slutty. also i like awkward girls that never know what to say (and they like me). i like the girl in the movie about the ugly duckling who is hot, but i like her at the beginning when she still wears glasses and has no self confidence, befre the makeoever where everyone cant beleive how great she looks in her new cocktail dress. they are lik "i cat believe it, she is hot with her hai dwn and without glasses, who wwolda thought it".
The capital gains tax. I used to be for it being taxed as ordinary income because I didn't understand the difference in capital gain income and W-2 income. Then I studied tax and read books about capital gains, and realized how utterly stupid my position was, and how everyone benefited when capital gains rates were lower. I reealized how lower rates reduces beta and opens riskier investment to the middle class and allows them to chase bigger returns.