What is the effect/benefit of using your children for advertisement? There are ton of car dealer ads on TV/Radio here that have their kids pimping out the dealership, politicians have their kids on saying "vote for my daddy". It drives me insane (even though I did vote for the dude) I wonder if there is a study on how this affects the consumer? Personally, I hate it. Can't wait to see martins response.
The innocence of a child and family bond as opposed to a greasy car salesman or politician. C'mon now. Do you really need a study for this one..
Of course not, it infuriates me, but there has to be a reason it is done so often. There is one that has these two boys, probably the grandkids, and they are always in the commercials. They are terrible and it is poorly produced but they are always there. If a study is not needed because so many feel the same way I do then why are they still being used?
James Lankford, however that isn't important. I didn't vote for him because he had has daughter in the ad saying "vote for my daddy". In fact, the next time I see him I will probably mention to him that I think it is in poor taste for him to use them that way. **when he ran a few years ago I actually voted for the other rep in the race. This time the other candidate was a dem so he loses my vote by default**
Politicians are awful people, there is no doubt about that one. And we ar to blame for wanting them to be religious and to favor stupid shit. When we start electing intellectuals and policy wonks instead of assholes and religious freaks we won't have these problems
White or Black everyone deserves a slap across the head every now and then......guy shoulda been doing his job.
Men only touch each other on the palm of the hand, for the most part. Anything else is an invitation to a fight. Why do you think athletes slap each other on the ass to congratulate them? Because no man ever started a fight by hitting someone on the ass! But if you grab someone by the shoulder, push them, or slap them up 'side the head you have assaulted them. If Tuberville had slapped me publicly or privately, I would have instantly cold-cocked the sonofabitch right there on national TV. My job wouldn't mean shit, my arrest wouldn't mean shit, I would never have let that go. "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them." -- John Wayne
And if I were the AD when you bitch slapped Tuberville I would have instantly made you my new head coach cowboy!