If I could bang hookers without the social and legal drawbacks I could maintain far better relationships with women because I wouldnt be trying to use them for banging and feel guilty about it. It would be a win all around
Also if banging hookers was acceptable cs wouldn't have to pretend to be nice to his lady he could ignore her and bang hookers
Red wouldn't have to pretend to be moderate he would admit he is a communist and women would freak out but he wouldn't care he would bang hookers
Upon second thought, women usually smell nice, are nice to look at, can be stupidly funny and often have wonderful mouths and hands. And obviously nice racks. Id still hang out with them. Especially with no better alternative.
Ok, since this is the question answer thread and you appear to be an expert, how exactly does that go down? You do know those people are cesspools of bacteria, infections and gawd knows what else.