My mom is called mombot and has no emotion but anger and generally makes me miserable at all times and I would still side with her if she was right
I'd probably side with my girlfriend. She has more capability to make my life miserable. My mom has no such power.
That was my school of thought, but apparently most of you were brainwashed at a young age to stay neutral. Somehow this does not shock me........but I'm the same way, call it like it is. Unless there is some overwhelming factor I cannot think of right now that would benefit me by agreeing with one over the other....
Option 1. Side with both. They often fall for this. Failing that . . . Option 2. Side with neither. They rarely fall for this. Failing that . . . Option 3. Side with whoever is right. Stick to your guns.
People know when they are wrong and want you to tell them. They secretly hate you if you agree just to be nice. People are miserable wretches
Not women. That's exactly the opposite hence your reply is wrong. On all levels. Martinbot and mombot. Color me unshocked.
Nope women in particular want you to disagree when they are wrong. Short term they are angry but that's because women are stupid. Long term they respect it