I lived in Utah for four years. I can tell you two things about Mormons that you can take to the bank. 1. For the most part, Mormons are good people. They work really hard at being decent, industrious, honest people. 2. Mormons have some fucking bizarre beliefs. I mean, really out there. You should check it out.
also, mormon dudes are nice fellas and are winner,s like they are good at sports and they do well in school. and mormon girls are pretty. useless, but pretty.
I have to admit, I'm intrigued. Not sure why, but based on this discussion, it seems like it could be amusing.
Their ability to respond to disasters is something our govt should model. They blow FEMA's disaster response away.
This is true .... I went out a few times with a mormon chick in high school .. she was a bomb shell. ... only problem is, it never exploded. ... complete dud ... useless. Of course, me being Catholic probably didn't help much ... maybe if I'd of been mormom she'd a broke me .. who knows.
magic underwear, finding a magic book in new york written on gold plates, you name it, they believe it. but again, nothing about it is weirder than any religion. the bible is a book of slavery and genocide and we act like that shit is normal.